[Photo | Info] Maison Marie Claire to feature an interview with TOP March edn 2015

The March 2015 edition of MAISON by Marie Claire will feature an Interview with TOP in their next edition released on 28th February 2015.
Source: Rakuten and Yes24

Teaser from MAISON Marie Claire on Facebook:

TOP Maison March Teaser

This teaser photo was taken on the 21st January 2015. Photographer: Kim Bosung. It shows TOP at Inoko Toshiyuki's installation at Art Stage Singapore. At the time a photo by ???? INOKO Toshiyuki was published on his twitter account which can also be found in our GALLERY for TOP's trip to Singapore Prudential Awards Exhibition and Art Stage Singapore: [Photos | Videos] 2015-01-19 to 2014-01-21 TOP in Singapore for Prudential Eye Awards, Photoshoot and Gallery visits


?1????MAISON 3??(2015)-??,?????? BIGBANG T.O.P??????


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