
The  instagram section features posts by BIGBANG 빅뱅 members as well as related postings where others have published an image featuring BIGBANG 빅뱅 members. Also included are phhhoto or other Social Media app updates.

Dohyung2 Instagram update 20140731

Dohyung2 Instagram update 20140731 #regram :

#골프 #명랑라운딩#라운딩
#골스타그램 #셀피 #selfie

@ShrimpLJY: TRANS) dohyung2 insta :
“with friends. #Golf #Rounding #selfie #InstaSize”

[Photos] Seungri leaving Hong Kong and arriving Incheon

Seungri leaving Hong Kong. Credit: lcxxi 20140729 

And Seungri arriving Incheon - credit see photo.




#8BBGER8 #BIGBANG #빅뱅 #Seungri #VI #빅뱅

Seungri leaving Hong Kong 20140729.

Seungri leaving Hong Kong 20140729. Credit: lcxxi

#8BBGER8 #BIGBANG #빅뱅 #Seungri #VI #승리

Whoissungwon Instagram update 20140729 많은데 하필이면 이 날 연습...

Whoissungwon Instagram update 20140729 

많은데 하필이면 이 날 연습 영상이 방송에 나가다니! 이 날은 정말 많이 아팠다. 다음날 바로 병원에 입원하고 나흘 뒤 수술까지 했었던…이렇게 또 한번의 흑역사가… 😹 Last year, when I was really really sick… But T.O.P and I practiced very hard for 8 months..!!!

Heo_junseons Instagram update 20140729: Daesung and his dancers....

Heo_junseons Instagram update 20140729: Daesung and his dancers.
#8BBGER8 #BIGBANG #빅뱅 #Daesung #Dlite #대성

[Video] G-Dragon arriving in Hong Kong 20140728.


[Video #2] G-Dragon arriving in Hong Kong 20140728. #regram from vhere4bb

#8BBGER8 #BIGBANG #빅뱅 #GD #Gdragon #빅뱅 #tos #towerofsaviors #fanmeeting #hongkong

G-Dragon arriving in Hong Kong 20140728.

G-Dragon arriving in Hong Kong 20140728. Credit: momo

#8BBGER8 #BIGBANG #빅뱅 #GD #Gdragon #지용 #tos #towerofsaviors #fanmeeting #hongkong

Ysence Instagram update 20140728

Ysence Instagram update 20140728 #regram : 마지막은 다 함께
정말 멋있는 아티스트다👏

@ShrimpLJY: TRANS)
ysence (manager) insta : “#Dslove together at the last moment. He’s really an awesome artist 👏”

Bottom photo:
Rarmg Instagram update 20140728 #regram : 수고많았어 디라이또상👍

#8BBGER8 #BIGBANG #빅뱅 #Daesung #Dlite #대성

G-Dragon instagram update (3) 20140727: ⛵️

G-Dragon instagram update (3) 20140727: ⛵️

G-Dragon instagram update (2) 20140727:

G-Dragon instagram update (2) 20140727: 🎵

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